I still read eatyourkimchi blog because I'm curious if they are going to change for the better now that they had more "Haters".
I can't be bothered by their videos anymore for many various reasons. I share a lot of similar opinions on Unpopular EYK opinions on Tumblr.
Their recent KMM has cause a number of angry posting that got me wonder if it's really bad. I kind of want to watch the video on how bad it could be but I'm going to restrain myself because I don't want to give them more views!
Part of me thinks that I'm jealous of them because they are basically living the live I want. Living in Korea and do bunch of videos? I practically have another live as a Korean (seriously I think I probably was a Korean in my past life, if it exist) and I learned multimedia in college.
Maybe S&M have valid reasons that I can't see through my jealousy? #sarcasm
I think the problem that lies in eatyourkimchi is they do what they think makes more views rather something they actually like. I dislike how they made their own rules but break it anyway. They created a chart for people to vote and yet they refuse to follow it. Isn't it the same as you voted A for president but the party decided B would be president?
My dad once told me "Go back to your roots if you feel like you're going to hit rock bottom'' because you need to refresh on what makes you do the things you do.
I want EYK crew to stop looking at the stat and look back on the old videos. They don't want to be professional and I get that but there is a reason why you gain "Haters".