Monday, 12 May 2008

Korean American/American Korean

emm.. whichever..i recently(not actually,but can't found the right words) discovered that there's a LOT of korean ever been to America,not for holiday..LIVED there..yeah AMERICA!! but not all are mixed parentage.. just migrated like Micky Yoo Chun of DBSK..

so far i only know this are from mixed parentage..
Daniel Henney

dennis oh

the double "D"s.. and they look ALMOST the same!!! hehe Above is Daniel Henney and Below is Dennis Oh..hemm.. i think there's more but i don't know..

here's Korean who have lived in America



brian joo

tim hwang

so far... i could only think of these..oh wait! Tiffany and Jessica from SNSD grew up in America too..but i'm not too sure about them..ooh yeah, kim isak also half american..hemm, who else? i can't remember well.. anyway, if i know more i'll update this blog..

tiffany n jessica SNSD


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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...