Friday, 8 May 2009

Subs Group Jjang!

I love group subbers because they're always very fast and complete!

My rank

1. Soshisubs
2. DBSJProduction
3. SHINeeSubs
5. SJSubs

I don't think DBSJProduction has it own channel in YT but they are accurate in subbing..You'll always see their subs on DBSK or SuJu vidz

Soshisubs on top because their team are very dedicated in subbing.. although sometimes their pink subs are difficult to read but I love their video cuts.

SJSubs is a new sub group that is increasing better.. I'll look forward for this subsgroup!

SHINeeSubs and theREALiVIPSUBS are not subsgroup i visit frequently but they're good as well.

This subs groups are great but always had restriction because of copyright infrigement.. I do hope for the best for them and hope that they won't get suspended..

Ginaya was suspended too recently.. She's now has Ginaya2 and her back account is still alive which is xiaholic

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...