Thursday, 11 June 2009

Favourites in K-entertainment

Another round of favourites!

Favourite Show: Music Bank
Reason: I got to watch it on TV for free!

Favourite Variety: Xman
Reason: "Of Course" Game

Favourite Korean Guy: Micky Park Yoo Chun of DBSK
Reason: Everything he is..

Favourite Korean Gurl: SooYoung of SNSD
Reason: She has that great personality!

Favourite Male Group: Super Junior
Reason: Brought me to know Kpop more!

Favourite Female Group: SNSD
Reason: Wonder Girls is so Famous it make me sick..

Favourite Male Singer: JangMoon of A'ST1
Reason: He sound so pure and the voice is unique without being weird!

Favourite Female Singer: SunMi of Wonder Girls
Reason: She sounds exactly like in the recording..

Favourite MC: Kang Ho Dong
Reason: He professional and funny!

Favourite Duo: Untouchable
Reason: Their beats are HOT!

Favourite Song: Miracle by SuJu
Reason: It brought me to love Kpop world

Favourite Drama: Unstoppable Marriage (Drama)
Reason: Never failed to make my stomach full with laughter!

Favourite Movie: N/A
Reason: I don't like movies in the 1st place..

Favourite Actress: Song Hye Kyo
Reason: Beautiful~~~~

Favourite Actor: Kwon Sang Woo or Kim Jeong Hoon
Reasons: KSW because HOT BODY, KJH because he's too CUTE!

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...