Friday, 8 January 2010

MPV Review : F.Cuz Jiggy

4 member group, F.cuz is pronounced as "Focus" (I actually pronounced "eff curse"LOL) finally debut after much hype with "Jiggy"


This song might take some time before I really like it, I don't hate it now so there's a chance I might like this. The intro sound a little bit "adventure"? It's like listening to an adventure kind of game intro..

Level of likeness: 5/10


Contrary to their MV, the song seems like a turn off..This performance lacks X-factor, probably because they are nervous or something. I'm not enjoying the performance..I feel like stop halfway. The dance is not working for me.. I have no idea why I don't like the performance. I probably have to see another stage to be sure.

Level of Likeness: 3/10


This video is like a mixture of various Kpop artist, I see Big Bang/SHINee on their outfits, Super Junior on certain part of their dance and Beast on their sets. I love the color coordination here it seem suitable for their personal character. The car, is it necessary? I always don't like it in MV, it seem so tacky! The MV does make the song sound nicer..

Level of Likeness: 8/10

Overall Success: B

(grades range from A+ to C-)

Credits : CAN&J Entertainment
Reviewed by : MimieJay

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...