Monday, 15 March 2010


In the latest issue of KLIK (cover Super Junior), I got confused with their title which says "Band Kpop Cinta"..I naturally thought "WTF, they named themselves KPop?".

LOL, actually their name is "Hey Miss Chenta" and the article title is not totally misleading as the article says that their influence are from Kpop.

Interested by that fact, I checked them out in Youtube.. apart from having English lyrics in their song..I don't find anything that resemble Kpop. Probably it's F.T.Island influence a little?

I think the basic of Kpop is having hook (repeated lines), Insane addictive beats (any song by Big Bang) and the oh so hateful auto-tuning! (insert gazillion kpop song here)

I did find some good covers..maybe they should try making covers?

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...