Tuesday, 29 June 2010

You got K-popped!

Read Kpopped for further details. As you can read in the comments, I am interested to be a part of their team.

Despite a few previous post mentioning how busy I am, I want to join K-popped. It's a secret dream of mine to have a team I could rely on to make the perfect blog. K-bites first sparked that dream but it died down since I can't see myself in that blog. K-bites is a great blog, just it doesn't represent me and blogging should be personal.

In case you didn't notice, I don't write about news much. It was done on purpose because as I might have mention, there's a lot of Kpop news blog and me writing news would be redundant. I like writing about the news though, and that can be seen in my twitter account.

K-popped would probably give me an opportunity to write more on news especially on the Kpop scene which I think the site is lacking on. Orchid, Rooster and Liz are good writers but I do notice they don't post much on Kpop articles. Hopefully, if they decide to include me into their team..I would balance the site.

I was waiting for them to recruite new members and this should be the time. Don't worry though, this site isn't going anywhere. It is here to stay even if I am selected to join them!

Now I'm off to write an e-mail to them. Wish me luck!

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...