Saturday, 10 July 2010


It's July 10 and it's HeeChul's Birthday!

Okay..that's not the reason of this post, is the dateline to send e-mail for Kpopped to be one of it's contributors..

Hey, I don't know why I'm blogging this. I just had second thoughts. Yikes, if they read this probably they won't want me..*zip lips. Anyway I'm just worried I might not be able to achive the big 100.

I'll be going on a trip..(next week?), most probably won't be bringing my laptop..or maybe no internet connection FOR 5 DAYS. That's like 15 post! Where am I going? Kuala Lumpur. Damnit, I'm only going there after all the Kpop artist left. I can't even meet Brian Joo..I believe it's today?

So yeah, I've warn you..but I'll try my best to complete.

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...