Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Malaysian Kpop bloggers got recognize

As a part of Malaysian Kpop blogger, somehow this article made me smile.


I'm happy for them getting lots of reader. I can't help to think how badly I am in getting one. It doesn't matter though, I want blogging to remain a hobby that cheers me up when I'm down..

I get happy when someone leave me a quick comment, it meant a lot. I always reply and give my thanks. I hope I can stay the same. I try to change things up a little. I've been doing a bad job in writings lately and this isn't good. I really want to write something that I can be proud of. I love Kpop and blog very much I should be at least great.

I won't promise you anything, so I could only hope that my blog isn't leaving you disappointed.

Thanks again for dropping by my blog. A slight interest is all I need.

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...