Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Random Talk : Language barriers

I'm no professional music critic but basically, a good song has good rhythm, catchy, nice voices and good lyrics right? In my opinion, it's just catchy and good rhythm. I am just a regular listener, just like you. I don't care much about the technical parts of the song apart from the notorious auto-tune.

It suddenly occurs me that I don't exactly understand Kpop. I'm not Korean, remember? There's plenty of translations provided on the internet but I don't go searching for them once a new song released. I don't think it's important for me to search for it because all it matters that I like the song.  In addition to that, most Kpop contains lots of English..I basically could understand the song base on it's emotion.

While watching videos, I don't emphasize that I need to find an English translation. I'd be settle for HD videos and love it. After almost 3 years of loving Kpop, I could understand better in Kpop because I know basic Korean. What else is there to sing about anyway? It's always about LOVE. 

I don't find it weird that I love a song that I barely understand. It may be a wonder that I love Kpop better than local music, but hey.. I've tried. Local music is not for me, I do hope one day Malaysian artiste can gain more attention from fellow Malaysian. It's just not now.

What we need is something different..and please, I really don't mean a Lady Gaga. 

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...