Tuesday 19 October 2010

DJ DOC I'm a guy like this

This is way overdue. I wanted to blog about them earlier than this but it slips off my mind. Better late than nothing, here's what my thoughts on DJ DOC

Along side with Psy, DJ DOC is known as the favorites in college summer festival. Without this acts, the college festival wouldn't be complete. I've seen footage of them on college summer festival and I can agree on that. I know them through variety shows too and they're funny...however that's all I know about them. It never registered in my mind to check them out because I thought they had retired so I was surprised they made a comeback.

Looking at the video, DJ Doc likes to parody other musician. It's funny and I guess it's their style. I'm not a big fan of this style but I'm looking forward to know other singles. The music is fun and the lyrics are true, it's nice to know other types of music! :D

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Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...