Monday 27 September 2010

Discussing about Dramas

Watching Playful kiss is really annoying. Hah. Are you shock by that statement? Well, honestly I'm not talking about the drama but probably a combination of slow internet and crappy buffering that hinders me from viewing the drama on Viikii.

It's like 8 episode already but the only full video I could is is part 1 episode 1. I could watch I am Legend drama finish but not Playful Kiss. It's a mystery! I hate buffering ( case it's jargon for you, it means the process of loading the video..if you don't know what jargon it)

So MAYBE I won't watch that drama. I am Legend is over but I'm not going to write a review just yet because um, I need to draft it out first. I've been blogging hastily lately so I want a good post for once.

My Girlfriend is Gumiho seems pretty good, though I'm still a bit skeptic about it since there been too many times I got disappointed by overpraise reviews. I want light hearted and funny drama because those heavy ones are dragging me..Buffering kills me. As an unofficial E.L.F. (um..I still haven't blog about's a difficult post to write!) probably I should watch Siwon's Oh My Lady. The plot is a little too predictable..we shall see.

This is a random posting again..when is HallyuSurfer ever going to be serious? I'm chasing away my readers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha, I am going to try out my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's really amazing, thanks.

- Murk


Hello! It's end of May and this my first post of the year. *nervous laugh It's okay..because nobody read this blog right? haha. ...