Wednesday, 4 November 2009

K.will will Hynoptize with Outsider!

Yeah! Nice vocal with super fast but smooth rap together! K.will will released a single called "Hypnosis" featuring Outsider!

I like what I'm hearing in the teaser and I can't wait for the whole song to release. Anything with Outsider I'm going to listen because I just like his addicting raps. Unfortunately I can't rap like's really fast!

K.will is doing good, I hope he remains in the ballad genre because it's his strength! He does have potential in rap but I like him the way he is now. A lot of solo singer tried to go other genre but I don't think it's good. Ballad has potential, it will never get bored like Pop songs.

Here's their special performance together!

see, I told you K.will can rap!

P/s Don't you think Outsider look a little bit like HyunSeung of Beast? and I know already notice that K.will looks like Daesung!

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